Monday, August 13, 2018

The power of titles

When looking at an artwork or a photo, does the title have much of an effect on you and how you view the piece? In the past, I hadn't put much thought into this but now I feel like it can be an important part of the work.

The reason I am thinking about this issue now is because of what happened to me this morning while I was browsing /r/cozyplaces on Reddit (great sub btw). I came upon a photo that didn’t seem particularly great or memorable but then the title is what changed my outlook and created an emotional connection that was not there when I initially viewed the photo without reading the title.

The photo in question titled "My hotel room in Japan (raining)" (originally shared by

The key word I am referring to is the mention of rain in the title. Once I read that, I imagined rain and the sound it was likely making in that quiet room. I also imagined muffled sounds of thunder in the distance. It made the photo so much more immersive for me and all it took was that simple mention of rain.

I now wonder if this applies to artwork titles as well. Can an otherwise forgettable piece be made much more emotional with the use of a title that elicits additional emotions in the audience? I know that such a “trick” has its limits and it doesn’t apply in all situations but does it have potential for making art have more impact? I had never really thought about the importance of titles on the art I share but now I am going to be more conscious of creating meaningful titles if possible.

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The beginning is perhaps more difficult than anything else, but keep heart, it will turn out all right. -Vincent van Gogh